[setting: yard
characters: self]
so i am an ugly task.
my gratuitous mandalas.
my made of many loops.
these troubled times. the looks
on faces. the birds
the lucky
get a story out
of this one.
[setting: carpet
characters: me n she]
i’m sorry about your neck.
my neck is a goose right now.
your neck is a n —
my beloved geese flew
the coop.
the stain on your neck band — my
it is brown like a very
old sauce
[setting: table, inflamed perimeter
characters: so&so]
≤ bag bad bug bugs re
ad badbug-digest ≥
all l
whe atinthemouth
at so thicksuck they’ve there border l and!
[setting: white-wall window.
characters: limit surpassed]
dawn falls slantwise
like a cured
to a specified fate)
[sarah] CAVAR is a PhD student, writer, and critically Mad transgender-about-town, and serves as managing editor at Stone of Madness Press and founding editor of swallow:tale press. Author of three chapbooks, A HOLE WALKED IN (Sword & Kettle Press), THE DREAM JOURNALS (giallo lit), and OUT OF MIND & INTO BODY (Ethel Press), they have also had work in Bitch Magazine, Disability Studies Quarterly, Electric Literature, The Offing, and elsewhere. Cavar lives online at www.cavar.club and tweets @cavarsarah.